Bitcoin Price Tracker

Citrus, welcome to you! we provide real-time Bitcoin price rates in 18 African currencies.

NumberCountry NameBitcoin-Fiat PriceLast updated
1nigeria flagNigeria144,001,842.589just now
2Ghana flagGhanaGH₵1,472,774.1809387715just now
3kenya flagKenyaKSh12,314,554.8713just now
4egypt flagEgypt£4,822,889.245715958just now
5tanzania flagTanzaniaTSh248,103,547.49376768just now
6rwanda flagRwandaR₣134,359,170.79727146just now
7uganda flagUgandaUSh350,750,916.36550945just now
8seychelles flagSeychelles1,375,147.486595839just now
9benin flagBeninCFA59,643,122.435697936just now
10senegal flagSenegalCFA59,643,122.435697936just now
11morocco flagMoroccoMAD949,615.418252105just now
12cameroon flagCameroonCFA59,643,122.435697936just now
13togo flagTogoCFA59,643,122.435697936just now
14mali flagMaliCFA59,643,122.435697936just now
15cote d'ivoire flagCote d'IvoireCFA59,643,122.435697936just now
16guinea flagGuinea-BissauCFA59,643,122.435697936just now
17niger flagNigerCFA59,643,122.435697936just now
18burkina flagBurkina FasoCFA59,643,122.435697936just now

The Bitcoin price displayed here is an aggregation of Bitcoin prices across various exchanges in the above listed countries. We aim to provide users with a more granular view by including data from specific exchanges within each country.

It is important to remember that this information is intended for educational purposes only.